Post #6 Sunflower Girl | Xavier's Double | Dan's Love | Seriously Black
Just one more. Someone come and get it!
She sat down on her chair, poured her some pumpkin juice. HUM. HUM. The juice tasted sooo good to her. After all the things from Hogwarts, it should really. "Do you have ashwinder eggs?" she heard a very sweet voice asking. The woman looked young and she had a big baby bump. She was eying the lone jar of eggs standing on the counter.
"OH yes..the very last one" she said, with a smile. She pushed a chair towards the woman. "Please sit down" Add another smile there. She poured another glass of pumpkin juice. OH, I'm running out. She offered it to the woman. "Would you like some juice as well?" Ofcourse, everyone would, they were delicious. The woman looked pleasantly surprised and she sat down on the chair. When the little girl offered her juice, she smiled widely. "Aw thank you dear" she said, accepting the glass. She took a sip from it. "Mhmm..tastes good" And she sipped some more. "How much for the egss, dear girl?"
"Thanks" And I did nothing to make it tasty. But she returned the smile nevertheless, just because the woman looked very friendly. "That would cost five galleons a jar" she said, as she pushed the jar towards her. "Fair price.." the woman said, as she placed the empty cup and took the jar. She took out her wallet and scrambled with the galleons "Here you go little galleons for you're sweetness" the woman said, cheerfully as she placed the galleons on the counter. "And for the tasty pumpkin juice..." She added another galleon to the little pile.
"OH thank you so much" she exclaimed as she took the galleons and handed the woman her jar. She waved her a cheery good-bye as the woman left.
All jars sold. Amara beamed with happiness. Her money bag was now jingling with so many galleons. She cleared the counter, packed her bag and took off her big notice. The work was done. Turnout was good and she was really happy about it. HONEYDUKES! HERE I COME!
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