SPOILER!!: Sonea
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Sonea smiled while she looked around her, she had saw a cat when she first had looked at the girl, but now the cat was nowhere to be seen! Relieved that Little princess was safe she spoke softly to her rat,
“It’s okay.” Sonea knew that there were a lot cats at Hogwarts, and that was the reason why Sonea didn’t liked it that Little princess would walk freely.
“Oh, I was done with my homework for today so I wanted to walk a little and explore Hogwarts, I still haven’t seen everything from the castle. But now that I’m walking here I see that I haven’t missed anything, all the portraits are covered with dust and they are really old…” The young girl looked at the portrait next her and wondered how old they really were.
“I hate dust and dirt, so when the house elves are back they really need to work here first” said Sonea disapprovingly and wondered worried if there were spiders behind the portraits…
The young girl looked surprised at the older girl and tried to remember if she had seen the other girl before. “Oh, have we met when the trophies were lost? I don’t remember you, sorry” said Sonea slowly while she tried to do her best with remembering where she had seen the girl before.
“Yes, I have a name, and I suppose that you have one to?” grinned Sonea while she offered the older girl her hand,
“Hi, I’m Sonea Duvessa”.
At first Lex thought the statement might have been directed at her and she was set to ask what was okay but then she realized it was the rat to whom the girl was speaking. Lex made a face at it.
"What a horrid colour." She muttered more to herself than to her company before directly looking to the girl.
"Was it born that way or did a spell go terribly wrong?" Either way, it was a pity, a real one too.
So that was it.
"Oh, well there's more to the castle than simply the portraits. There's tons more to see and besides, they can't help that they're dusty." And that they were now covered in sharpie maker. Heh. So far they were being quite lovely about it as well.
Lex frowned a bit.
"Yeah, the house elves. They used to do a lot, now poor Toddles is left doing everything." He was only a baby, he couldn't have been expected to keep every inch of the castle clean.
"I hope they get back soon, Felix hates the dust too and I don't want him getting sick." He was especially miserable when he was sick.
And there was that question. She shook her head.
"We haven't; not formally. You were standing with the other snakes and you were accusing most everyone else of taking the trophies." She remembered, yup, she did.
"Other than that, I've only seen you perhaps in a class or randomly walking by." Something along those lines.
Lex giggled.
"Mhm, I've got a name too!" She said after the girl had introduced herself.
"Alexa Cambridge." And she stuck her hand out to shake.