Post 1 Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Nerida smiled as she reached Hogsmeade ready to get selling though she wondered if her mother was really going to show... ”Ashwinder Eggs freshly frozen and ready for potions for sale today!!” she called out. Slightly wanting to add today only but she didn't. An old couple slowly made their way over to her. "Did you say ash eggs?" the man spoke softly up at the girl. "Are these your snakes eggs?" the woman practically yelled at her. "These are Ashwinder Eggs" Nerida said with a smile on her face. "Um only for a moment but then it had to...To finish its journey." It wasn't really her snake but oh well. "Hmm.." the old man rubbed his chin before turning to his wife and asked "Do you want one my dear?" The old woman gave a grin and a smile towards the man. This time the man directed his question towards the girl, "How much for one?" "A jar is five galleons, my special deal is two for eight galleons." she smiled at them. Again the old man rubbed his chin before digging out his wallet and telling the girl he wanted two eggs. Though it was apparent on his face he had no clue why his wife wanted one, and the only reason he was getting two was to please his wife.
Nerida smiled and took the money and then handed the couple the two eggs and said "Thank you for your business, have a marvelous day!" The man received the eggs and a hug from his wife, and gave a nod towards the young girl before taking his wife's hand and going on their way.
The Ravenclaw smiled as she saw the retreating figures of the couple.
__________________ ♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕  ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕ |