Originally Posted by
Saul Bunyons
The Dervish & Banges shopkeeper was strollin' down th' streets of Hogsmeade, up early as usual, when he came across a differen' sort o' sight fer his olde eyes. Chillren, out standin' by a booth, sellin' somethin' for some strange reason. Wasn't it the shopkeeps' job ter be sellin' stuff ter the kiddos, and not th' other way around? Merlin's great big bushy beard! The school really was broke!
He stepped up to the table full o' kiddos, one hand already rootin' around in his back pocket fer his wallet. "How much-" Saul cleared his gravelly throat, "how much fer th' Ashwinder eggs?"
Lex was still grinning from her previous sale when she saw someone else walk up to the stalls. She'd never seem him around before...maybe because she spent her Hogsmeade time in the candy shop but ah well, those were minor details that no one paid attention to.
She grinned up at him.
"Good day sir! I don't know about everyone else but I'm selling mine for 10 galleons--oh but I just had a customer, see, and I told him he could get them for 9 if he bought two!" It was a
bargain!!! Er... was that what they called it??
Meh, the point was, she was selling stuff and this guy was buying. He WAS buying right? Don't tell her he was wasting her time because while he stood here he was keeping her from another potential sale.
"Would you be interested in the same deal or will you only be needing one?" Had to keep her expression pleasant. Yup.