SPOILER!!: Alexa and Penelope
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Well of course she was right, look at this place. She'd spent half her first year getting lost in it! How was he meant to get it all done?
Lex grinned down at the baby elf. "Mhm, it's not a problem, I'd hate to see you have to do this all alone." Oh! And Penelope was offering to help too! Between the two of them Toddles would be sure to get a decent amount of help. She listened as he went on about just what would need cleaning here. "This shouldn't be too difficult." She commented to Penelope...although...this was a fairly long corridor...ah well, this was for Toddles, speaking of.. "Did you take any extra rags and brooms with you, or maybe you know the spells?"
Either could work.
Hehehe and Toddles was being so adorable with his little chest all puffed out. "You do that, lay down the law, tell her you're the boss." What? It could work. Maybe.
And now both he and Penelope were talking about the missing elves with him explaining what happened and Penelope giving suggestions. Hmmmm...Forced to quit...
"You think? But why? They would have been free labour..." She thought that over for a minute. "Unless...you remember how the Headmistress sold our china dishes to get some money...? You don't think she sold them too, do you? Can she even do that?" Was it even possible? She looked to Toddles again. "Did they say why they had to go, or where?" That would help give them some answers.
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Oh good, he was accepting their help! It seemed like sometimes elves didn't really want help from students even when it was offered, which Penelope suppose was admirable in a way, but she was glad Toddles was accepting it. He surely needed it if he had this whole hallway and windows and floors to clean. Looking up and down the corridor, she was suddenly struck with just how big Hogwarts really was. There was a lot to clean just on this floor, let alone the entire castle.
"We could duplicate the rag that Toddles has." If he didn't have extras on him. For sweeping though... "Could we summon brooms?" Ones used for sweeping, not broomsticks that were used for Quidditch. "Unless there're spells for that?" she looked back at Toddles. Did he know the spells for these things?
She beamed as the little elf took Alexa's advice to stand up to the other elf and encourage her to help. Good, the more people and elves helping out, the better.
Oh, that was what had happened? They had to leave? Hm... She glanced over at the younger lion as she spoke. Sold? "Maybe..." She wasn't sure if elves were actually sold and such... She'd heard from Atticus that there were divisions in the Creature Department in the Ministry for elves, but she couldn't remember if he mentioned whether they were actually sold to people or not. She thought people just had them and they stayed in families... Where did you get a house elf if you wanted one anyway? She pondered this thoughtfully while Alexa posed more questions for Toddles.
So the cleaning help was going to happen and Toddles wouldn't be stuck here on the second floor all day? This was getting to be a good day, it was.
"Toddles wants to thank you missuses again for helping Toddles. I don't have more rags but you can make more with your magic sticks." He nodded and held it out eagerly, ready to watch. He liked to see human magic with the sticks. It reminded him of his bubble stick the old Head boss man gave him for the Shiney.
"Toddles doesn't know any spells ma'am, sorry. He just snaps and its gone or he has to sweep it into piles with the rags or little broom here." He pulled a very tiny, collapsible broom from a hidden pocket inside his toga.
"You can make more of them too if you would be liking to."
Using the magic stick please?!
As they girls were trying to decide how they were going to help little Toddles, he could hear them talking about the other Elfsies and asking if he knew where they went.
"Toddles doesn't know, he doesn't." He tore his eyes from the girl's wand and shook his head back and forth quickly, he ears flapping as he did so.
"Toddles wants to know but they wouldn't say."