HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED She was still flying at this point and going slowly this time. Turning so that she could make the climb a little bit more easily she arched her broom toward the open air. She needed space from the treetops and her coworkers for this to work. So she pushed her body forward on the broom and speed up. She had to be going quickly for this to work.
She adjusted her grip on the broom as she threw herself backwards, her legs twined securely around the broom. She didn’t fall backwards as she feared, no, she had pushed backwards at just the right speed and had thrown herself into a backward loop-di-loop. It was exhilarating.
As she neared the bottom of it she slowed to a stop and smiled to herself. This was good. Letting her mind clear she pushed forward again going twice as fast as she had been before she pushed forward on the broom – mimicking the look of someone about to jump a horse she pushed even further and she and the broom fell forward into another loop. She was smiling now.
Not pulling up soon enough she climbed back upward and swooped downward into another loop. THIS was amazing, really, she had loved it. As she finished the third loop she was going what felt like the fastest she had been that night and suddenly stopped, her lip catching the edge of the broom – but hey, it was better than being bucked off.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |