Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher LAUNDRY DAY!
Calista had been looking forward to this for a little while now because...well, a girl only had so many peasant skirts and flowing clothes. The blonde had levitated her clothes hamper from the Divination Tower to this little dungeon-like room to do her laundry alongside the Ravenclaws and Slytherins she had volunteered to help supervise.
When she entered she nodded at the few students who were there already. They seemed to be doing well. It was nice to see the young people doing things on their own--not being so dependent on magic was a good thing really even if they had to do it under such crumby circumstances. "If anyone needs any help, don't worry. I've done laundry the Muggle-way before." SHe grinned brightly as she turned around to begin on her own laundry machine.
Where were the nice, shiny laundry contraptions with the light, spin cycles and little slots for detergent, or the quick dryers? This was no fair. Siiiigh. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie His skin was no longer itchy thanks to the potion that Cece had given him, but sweet solstice was his skin still a bit flakey. It was probably a blessing in disguise that the only article of clothing that he could wear right now were his suitjamies since all the rest of them had that blasted itching powder in it.
Grumbling a bit about not be able to take them to the muggle dry cleaners, Airey set his hamper down and grabbed on the supplies he needed. he was supposed to fill one of these with water first, yeah? "Good day, Miss Johanson," he greeted before removing one of his ties from the hamper.
He would start with one of these. It was small. Not his favorite. Replaceable. UNLIKE his Carolina blue silk tie that was still missing. Nothing could replace his lucky tie.
Trying not to look too obvious, he peered at the Ravenclaw out of her peripheral vision to see how she was doing things. it was THAT thing that they filled with water. Wand out, he pointed at it and cast a silent Aguamenti to fill it. he needed to use...what?
Yes. The man could practically build a rocket but he had never once done his own laundry. Wait, Airey was here too? The blonde carried her stuff over to the tub next to the Astronomy Professor's and then sat it down. "Hi Airey, nice pajamas." She giggled before adding. "It must be nice on your skin after your recent...condition." Yes, she had heard things. |