Originally Posted by dansgurl Did the girl just use a spell? What was that spell anyway?
She'd seen the Claw before..ah yes, start of term feast. That was the one that offered her a cup cake, wasn't it? She moved towards the girl cautiously. Well, she was older than her, had her wand out and could just say seriously mis-spelt spells with perfection. Caution needed.
"Hey..." she called, as she neared. "What--what spell did you just use?" Mika smiled at the younger first year as she had reason to teach someone something. That was awesome right? She just sent Amara a quick smile. “Yeah it’s the trimming spell” she smiled to the girl – not sure if she had ever introduced herself she just quickly added, “I’m Mika by the way.” She smiled.
“It’s a bit of a mouthful really, the wand movements quite simple really just a swish” she smiled that was the easy part. The only easy part really. “So what you’ve got to do is swish your wand and then say flip-n-snip-wit-it” she chuckled. “give it a go if you want I can guide you through it” she smiled to the girl.
She glanced for a bush that didn’t look to hard to deal with. “The bush over there, it well, looks like it needs a trim? Why don’t we have a whack at that one?” She asked with a glittering gleam to her eyes.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |