Astronomy Homework 1- Post 5 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory decided this would be the last place he would be cleaning. This should do it for the homework, right? Plus he needed to finish the Herbology homework. "Vacavus!'' the Puffer said, tapping the vacuum for maybe a zillionth time. He moves the hose over Gregory the Smarmy's statue. It was a bit dusty. He knew it held a secret passage and honestly, he would love to go down it sometime. "I am a black hole,'' the boy muttered. "A giant back hole, sucking everything in.'' He grinned to himself as the hose went for the base of the statue. When he was done with that, he turned his attention to the floor where he vacuumed up some more dust. "That should do it,'' Jory thought. He stopped the vacuum and headed back for the common room.