Astronomy Homework 1- Post 4 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
After finishing up with his cleaning in the Hufflepuff Common Room, Jory headed to the Boy's Bathroom. He figured here was a good place to clean too as it usually had so many boys trekking in and out of it.
But when he got there, he was surprised to see that it wasn't so bad as he thought it would be. The only explanation would be that students cleaned it. Probably for Astronomy. Seemed logical.
Jory inspected the wall lining the sinks and behind the main door. A little dusty. Why not clean that up? He pulled out his wand and tapped the vacuum. "Vacavus!'' As it whirred and make whatever else noise, the badger set to work. He moved the hose all along the wall and just like in the Puff Common Room, he tried to get as much corners as he could. He did behind the entrance door last. "Okay, well that should do it,'' Jory muttered.