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The Ravenclaw girl walked into the tower patch and sighed as she noticed the dismay it was in. Someone had obviously not taken care of this place during the summer - or at all since they had released the stars here. She did of course feel a tear well up in her eyes as she remembered that day and the day the year prior when the Professors had died.
She was pained, truly pained to see this area in such disarray. She luckily had her Dragonhide gloves with her while she glanced around the area and tried to think of what to start with. She knew what she was going to do with the clippings and debris once she had some going that is – she was going to bring them to Professor Bentley to be held as organic waste.
She walked over to one shrub that had seemed to sprout upwards, sideways, and had an almost accidental bonsai thing going on with its general shape. Or shapelessness. She just frowned at the bush and thought, rounding it off and making it have a pristine look would definitely make it so the fountain it was near would actually be visible and not hidden behind a giant growing eyesore.
She twirled her wand in her hand like she was in a wild-west showdown with the tree. “Say hello to my little friend” she muttered at the bush as she brandished the wand like a weapon of trimming goodness. “Flipnsipwitit” she pointed and sliced her wand through the air, she just watched at the awkward section she had been aiming at fell to the ground revealing that indeed, it was just an extra bit of growth that had been blocking a quite beautiful view. “Flipsnipwitit” she said again as she arched her wand around another section of the bush causing the shape to change all together. No longer was there a strange backwards curve now the bush was perfectly rounded and happy looking like new life had been breathed into its tired limbs.
Did the girl just use a spell? What was that spell anyway?
She'd seen the Claw before..ah yes, start of term feast. That was the one that offered her a cup cake, wasn't it? She moved towards the girl cautiously. Well, she was older than her, had her wand out and could just say seriously mis-spelt spells with perfection. Caution needed.
Hey..." she called, as she neared. "
What--what spell did you just use?"