Astronomy #2 ΒΌ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls
Everyone knows adrenaline caused more pee, and due to the amount of adrenaline, Forrest had fled straight to the sixth floor where boy's bathroom was on. Everyone also knows that adrenaline causes fatigue, and the first year was exhausted from all the running.
Hogwarts could do with a few elevators. Really. He'd started to doubt these wizards' logic, actually. Us muggles were much more advanced than them in many things. There were television, for one, and phones and--
After he was done with peeing, he walked up to the sink and washed his hands as he tried to stand straight. He wanted to spend the rest of his life sitting there, really. He was that tired, but the sight of the vacuum cleaner reminded him of his mission. Revenge.
That armour--shudder--might not have liked being cleaned, but he wasn't going to quit his endeavours! On the contrary--he could as well revenge the incident by doing some straight cleaning--starting at this point right away.
With a newly found energy, the first year grabbed the hose once again and charmed it properly. He knew that spiders liked corners to support their nets, and he hated girls screaming at any sight of a spider, mind you, so he aimed for corners. Every. Single. Corner. Thank you.
It took him much longer than he'd predicted, but it didn't matter. He felt AMAZING every time he casted the spell successfully, this was his way of avenging himself, and he was working for the wellfare of his girl friends, so all was cool. He didn't have anything better to do anyway, and this was his homework--how Professor Airey would know about it was a mystery to him. It didn't matter, though. The man had his full trust, and he wasn't going to question his ways.
It was a gross thing, honestly, but he went about his business patiently and the corners were all clean hopefully, and he was spent, unluckily.
But there was another floor to go, so off he went tiredly, carrying the vacuum cleaner and his wand in his pocket.