Scans from a rare, first-edition copy of
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone were
released online, revealing a few notes author J.K. Rowling scribbled throughout the first of series.
Rowling admitted that the original animal mascot for Hufflepuff House was a bear, and not a badger as it had been written as throughout the series. That, and the origins of Quidditch, and hand-drawn art of baby Harry from the first chapter, sleeping outside Number 4, Privet Drive, can be seen here.

Title page [beneath title] 'changed my life forever.'
Title page 'No shield here - crest. I mean all that came in the later editions. This one's a bit wonky but you get the idea. Perhaps Hufflepuff house would have the respect it deserves from the fans if I'd stayed with my original idea of a bear to represent it?'
p.18 [beneath drawing] 'Harry Potter rolled over inside his blankets without waking.'
p.133 [beneath 'Quidditch'] '-was invented in a small hotel in Manchester after a row with my then boyfriend. I had been pondering the things that hold a society together, cause it to congregate and signify its particular character and knew I needed a sport. It infuriates men, in my experience (why is the Snitch so valuable etc.), which is quite satisfying given my state of mind when I invented it.'