Potions 2 Bluejay | Potatopop! | SRS - Stupid Ravenclaw Syndrome
Feathers and mucus. It sounded a bit like the start of one of those songs from the Sound of Music. EVERYONE knew they had magical properties and Lafay would obviously want some of those. So the King of Mokes Mo had the right idea - get unusual stuff. Blue scanned the sanctuary, looking for something no one had gone near yet. The Phoenix, obviously. Blue grimaced. What was the Ministry classification again?
Something like, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
She crouched and started creeping over to the pretty bird when she let out a yelp of pain. Latched onto her exposed ankle - her robes were getting short and flapping around above her socks from her sudden growth spurt - was a flipping potato. O_____O She kicked out, trying to get it off her and when it dug it's teeth deeper into her skin she bent down and yanked the vegetable off her ankle, lifting it up to her nose to squint at it.
A gnome. Ew. Disgusting thing. It wriggled and tried to scratched her hand, flailing and kicking madly in effort to let her go. "Little bugger. It's rude to bi --" It spat, a gross, yellow-ish, huuuuuge amount of mucus and saliva right onto her nose. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW." She tossed the ugly little thing away and cringed. Gross gross gross grosssss. But usualful. She pulled a vile out of her pocket (the pocket without the moth winks), all the while going "ewewewewewewewewew" before scraping it into the vile.
She'd have to wash her face maybe...ten, fifteen times after class?
__________________  ... CONFIDENT ... FIERCE ... PERSISTENT ... |