You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Mika turned when she heard the girls voice and just smiled. "Yeah it is awful really," her smile turned into a look of shock when she heard about the dirty common room. Why hadn't Ravenclaw been as dirty? She wondered in confusion sure the furniture might have had a bit more ware and tear than normal but the entire common room being covered in a layer of dust. Now that was disgusting. "Really? You had to clean the common room?" She asked in disbelief. "Ravenclaw was clean compared to the rest of the school - I don't know...maybe they just thought clean the dorm the logical people live in so we don't form a group to discover why things are so gross." She was bewildered. "Hey we could use our trusty vacuums from Astronomy class in here and really make it spotless" she offered with a beam.
Yeah since she really needed to vacuum some more and well, the school was disgusting. "Then eat whatever we want" she shrugged and smiled over to her. "Yeah!!" sounded like a great idea to her, since she didn't have her vacuum any longer she could just use scourgify. "While you vacuum I can scourgify places you can't reach" The gryffindor smiled at the older student "I'm Mack by the way" oops she had forgotten to introduce herself |