Transfig Hw 3 Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
Nerida needed somewhere where she could go and practice...Where to as she walked onto the fifth floor her eyes went to the Spirit Room, not the most practical but she could totally go and practice in their.
After setting the gargoyle down in the Spirit Room, she smiled perfect place to practice! She thought for a moment this time before casting the spell. Lets do a twirl. "Piertotum Locomotor." With a small jolt, the gargoyle sprang to life and flapped his wings twice. "Stand on your tip toes, run from left to right and then to a twirl three times."
Lets see if it could do that. She watched with a smile on her face as the gargoyle stood up on what she thought were his tip toes, ran from left to right and than twirled three times in a row.
Nerida shouted "Finite!" pleased with her gargoyle. Picking up the gargoyle, she placed him into his box.
__________________ ♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕  ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕ |