Potions Ingredient 2 Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Theo wondered, as he entered the butterfly garden, if an actual butterfly could be counted as an ingredient. Theo personally hated the creatures, because they always got in your face when you were doing things and it was annoying! After a moment of consideration, Theo decided against butterfly nabbing, because he would probably look like a nutter if he was caught by anyone.
Instead, he looked over at the flowers. He didn't need anything fancy, just a couple of daisy roots.
He remembered from a few terms ago that they were used occasionally.
It took ages to skip past all of the fancy flowers, but he eventually approached a nice and neat patch of daisies. Now, all he had to do was pull these guys out with such force, that he'd get the roots, too.
Theo pulled out his gloves, because dirt, and then prepared himself for the pull.
A few squashed daisies lay in his hand, and only one root. He placed that into a container and tried again, this time going a little more gentle. 1, 2, 3... he pulled them carefully, pushing his fingers a little deeper into the soil for extra grippage, and viola... two more roots came up with it. That would be enough. Three daisy roots.
__________________ who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream |