for Potions! ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Greenhouse Six.....houses various aquatic plants.
Beezus hurried to this place after she had went to the Sanctuary. She had used up half of the time Professor Lafay alloted for their search so she had to move faster now. Albeit, she was pretty confident that she'll make it back with the four ingredients in tow before the time runs out. She can get one item from here and the next Greenhouse was only a few steps away.
The brunette knew what she was looking for and without wasting time, she sauntered over to one of the large aquariums - It's good to see they didn't sell these too. She did notice, however that some tanks weren't there anymore. But at least they left the large ones intact.
This one housed the plant she needed. Gillyweed.
The Ravenclaw rolled her sleeves up to prevent it from getting wet, leaned over the opening, poked her arm into the water and fished out a bundle of what looked like slimy, grey-green rat tails. "Okaaaay....Mhmmm..... There." She set it on the table next to the aquarium and dried it off before adding it into her pouch.
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