½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Elise's first stop when Professor Lafay asked them to collect Potions ingredients from around the school was obviously the sanctuary. With all the magical creatures there, there was a really large amount of possible ingredients. Jobberknolls, fwoopers, all sorts of creatures that didn't have to be killed to obtain their parts as ingredients.
She saw Bee taking a few Joberknoll feathers and shrugged. She wasn't the only one here and that was totally fine. Instead, she made her way to the kneazles and crouched own next to them, holding an open vial to a sleeping kneazle's mouth and waiting. Once it had begun to condense in the vial, she corked it quickly, making sure not to waste a single drop of it.
It was a difficult enough ingredient to obtain and she wasn't about to go around wasting it. "Thank you," she whispered, scratching it gently behind the ear before getting up and wandering a little around the sanctuary. Maybe there was something else she could gather from here before she moved on to the greenhouses.