transfigurations hw post 1 HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED This was great she had someone to work with – and better than that, she was working with a sixth year prefect. Mika just smiled to Beezus as she sat down and watched the gargoyles do their thing – it was amazing. That chicken-dog-horse thing was amazing.
So amazing that Mika just beamed at it and said “that was totally wicked!” wait, hadn’t she heard that somewhere before? She thought shrugged and glanced at her now lifeless gargoyle. “Piertotum Locomotor” as her wand had been aimed at the previously lifeless thing it snapped to life.
“Okay, lift up your arms, touch the tips of your wings and run around” she watched in awe the little gargoyle did just that and proceeded to act like of like a kid playing super-hero…or airplane. All it needed was sound effects.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |