*sneaking around* HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Alright it was a little smellier in here so she carefully put her gloved hand over her mouth as she tried to locate the reason for the scent. Stench was more like it. She found it standing in one of the paddocks and schloop plop plop noise echoing around it as it dedicated.
She made a face for a moment until it wiggled its tale and walked back to the pasture. This was her moment. The daring girl slipped into the stall and quickly collected a few unicorn hairs as well as the unicorns most stench worthy poop. Capping the jar she had put the dung into she closed it and left the stall closing the door behind her. And quickly she left the now clean stall and barn behind her.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |