The other Governors that entered after Harold each got a slight nod from the Treasurer. Hops had just wished that one of the first official meetings as a full body was under happier circumstances but that dream was killed by whatever son-of-a-hippogriff has robbed them bloody blind.
The questions were beginning and Lagerty turned his salt and pepper head to listen as Cassandra took them each in turn.
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So she'd gone and looked around to get a better handle on the state of things. The turnstiles were an interesting touch. Althea wasn't late however, and she had brought snacks from home.
"Hello, everyone." Thea greeted, and placed a tray down on the table. Club sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, and jam and miniature scones. "I brought some food from home..." And wasn't that lucky given there apparently wasn't anything? She'd brought more sandwiches but ended up giving them to some of the kids she'd run into while looking around. One tray was enough though.
She sat down on Ivy's other side and smiled at her, making a mental note to enquire how things were going. Perhaps they could meet in Hogsmeade later or something.
Business for now though. Did she have questions? You bet she did, but they would come.
"I'm curious about the practicality of the turnstiles." She said pleasantly enough, looking at Cassandra, who surely knew more.
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[color=royalblue]The food was a thoughtful touch, although Cassandra preferred just taking a cup of tea from the kettle Carter had prepared. Still, she gave Althea a solemn nod of the head before turning her attention specifically to the woman's question.
"Not very practical, I imagine. Feel free to take up that question with the Headmistress and report back to us. I should think that in particular, we don't want to limit access to areas that the students must enter and exit. They must eat and sleep, so those turnstiles obviously must go. In general, I don't like them, but Headmistress Truebridge must have some feeling of autonomy for this working relationship to last," Cassandra responded thoughtfully. She figured Althea was perfectly capable of speaking with Annie on behalf of the governors.
"If it's not too much, I would like to agree with Cassandra here, and I assume with yourself, Miss Schrimer." He didn't want to assume anything but by the tone behind her question he assumed she was disliking the turnstiles as much as the rest of them.
It obviously wasn't one of the Headmistress's brightest ideas.
"They need to be removed as soon as possible but in order for Madame Truebridge to continue to comfortably feel her autonomy as leader of this school and to preserve the working relationship we have with her administration I think that if we plan on removing the turnstiles we must first come up with at least one other form of fundraising to replace them."
Removing one of their prime fundraising vehicles without replacing them would just leave them feeling as if they were abandoned, high and dry.
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As if laying out a battle plan, Cassandra ticked out the main points. Her tea was forgotten as she counted points on her fingers. "Point one, we're flat broke. Not through any fault of our own, but we've been robbed. It's a fund that is generally very flush, and we were foolish enough to be keeping it all in one vault... well. Lessons learned. We don't have liquid assets at this time. Points two, in order to simply fund the castle staying open at this time, they've had to set up several means of cutting expenses and raising funds. In cutting expenses, I believe they've sold off the china and cutlery, among other things." Which made Cassandra a bit livid.
"If we could have someone volunteer to scour the shops for it, let's see if we can't buy it back and hold it until the school can reimburse us. I'll pay for it, but I need someone to do the foot work. In terms of raising funds, they've put in turnstiles in the common areas and Great Hall, and students must pay each time they access those areas." She'd already made her opinion on that known.
"Point three... the house elves have all resigned, aside from one small elf that cannot hope to keep up. The students are cooking and cleaning for themselves, which is not an appropriate use of their time. They are here to learn, not to do elf work. If anyone is able to donate the services of a personal house elf, that might help alleviate the workload. I have one I can offer immediately."
Now then... those were the salient points? "Any questions so far? I know we want to brainstorm, but let's stick to understanding the facts as they stand now."
No fault, that was correct.
At this statement Harold's eyes darted around the room quickly before settling on the tea that Phillips had made. He leaned forward to make himself a cup as the President continued to lay out their agenda.
"I can speak with the other shopkeepers in Hogsmeade and have them help me keep a look-out in the village for the china. Saul's shop sees its fair share of pawns and trades." he said calmly to the others in the room.
As for the House Elves he couldn't help there. Harold had always cleaned the Broomsticks with his own efforts. Surely though the witches and wizards around him who were able to afford running for office so recently would have the means and perhaps a spare Elf in their homes.