Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Aquila was giggling. Her gargoyle sort of followed her command... before it went to do its own thing. Again. Or maybe its starting to do something for the first time ever. Who knows.
She resumed her perplexed stern face on the gargoyles when Mo grabbed them and made them stop. But the sternness quickly melted back to giggling when Mo commanded their statues to into a graceful ballet. Tapping her wand on her gargoyle she uttered “Piertotum Locomotor.... spin with Mo’s gargoyle and dip...”
The little gargoyle spun, just as it was told.... but then it started to dip Mo’s gargoyle too while it was being dipped. The result was Mo’s hapless little statue being flung through the air—
Gaaaasp! “Nuuuu!” she squeaked as she moved quickly to catch Mo’s gargoyle with her hands. |