SPOILER!!: Taylor
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Taylor laughed at the comment and nodded to it. ”I know right? He was sooooo jealous of Damon when Damon and I were just friends. I mean I did go to him when my papa died but… I didn’t want to annoy Max with it… I always wanted to make him happy… Speaking of Max, I haven’t seen him since basically the divorce.” Tay pouted, ”I think he is avoiding me.” Tay sighed and crossed her arms. ”He told me that the divorce wouldn’t change the fact that he is my brother and that we would still be close but now… Now it is like we are strangers…” Tears appeared in her eyes at what she just said. ”I miss him but he is never around anymore…”Tay bowed her head and let her curls cover her face as a tear or two fell down her cheeks at the thought of Maxwell. At the ‘come again’, Taylor looked up, ”Well… Brodie and I dated last year after Damon and I broke up but he was apparently using me for money because Rachel… who is his ex-girlfriend… and him were still dating and he cheated on her, with her permission, and started to date me. Apparently he was going to try to marry me then divorce me, getting half of my money or even more then marry her so that he can provide for her, the way she wants to be provided for… but then Brodie said he fell in love with me and he says he really loves me now.” A blush came to her cheeks with a smile, ”He actually cares for me now and he is so sweet.” Tay twirled, ”He tries to make me happy and he succeeds most of the time.” Her lips turned up into a smile and her eyes were starting to have a dreamy look to them, ”He doesn’t want my money anymore… he wants me. He tries to refuse to let me buy him things or spend anything on him though I want to use my money to help him…” A sigh and a pout came for a few seconds before she laughed and started to beam again. She frowned at what Minerva said, ”It worries you?” A sigh came but then she smiled again, ”I guess that is alright… I mean that does show that you care for me and you are such a good friend to me.” Taylor hugged Minerva. ”I am so happy that you get it. It is? Then you are such a lucky girl! It is absolutely wonderful to feel this way, isn’t it?” The dreamy look was back again as she thought about her boyfriend.
Taylor tilted her head and thought about it for a few moments, ”Whichever way you think is best, Mins.” Tay laughed and smiled. She didn’t care if her hair got done now or a week from now. Whatever suited her friend the best is the one she would go with since she wants to make it easier on Minerva. Taylor nodded ”You are spontaneous.” Tay laughed and smiled, ”At least with your hair but I think it is more than the hair.” Her smile brighten at Minerva’s blush, ”But you are, Minerva. You are super pretty inside and out and I am lucky to have you as my friend. You make each day before with your smile.” Tay shook her head, ”I aint pretty or sweet. I am selfish, annoying, average-looking and stuff like that…” Taylor really did think that and she refused to see any other way right now. ”Min, it isn’t that it doesn’t look pretty on you… because it does… I just hate when people change their eye colors…” She laughed, ”I mean each eye color is unique and pretty… I hated it when Damon changed his beautiful emerald eyes to drabby brown. The eyes don’t seem to have emotion to them if they change the colors…” Taylor blushed, ”I must sound stupid… thinking that eyes have emotion… I mean I heard that they change shades with each emotion but…” A blush came and she hide her face again in her curls. Tay looked at her, ”Up to you… I don’t care either way.” Taylor looked up and beamed, ”It does? Okay! I will ask Brodie if he wants to but I am sure he wouldn’t mind either.” Brodie usually agreed to do whatever Taylor suggested since he didn’t seem to mind what they do as long as they were together.
She nodded and sighed, ”Yeah… I haven’t seen him.” A frown appeared as she started to miss him even more. Taylor smiled and nodded again, ”Yeah, I am sooooo ready to go to the lake and see him. I miss him so much.” A light giggle came out, ”I think I already gone nuts… I haven’t seen him in what seems to be forever.” Tay knew that it hasn’t been forever… it just felt like it though and she was sure that Minerva would understand. Taylor nodded, ”Yeah, what is done is done and there is no changing it. The board are idiots for not thinking of warning us…” She sighed , ”Yeah, I agree, they should tell us what happened or find a better way to run the school than force children to pay to eat and sleep…” Tay laughed, ”At least I aint the only one to notice that… I would have felt silly if I was…” Taylor looked up at Minerva, ”You met the professor? I haven’t yet… I really need to but I haven’t had the time to go around and meet the new professors…” She sighed and played with her gleaming curls.
Tay looked at her friend, ”I know that they aren’t stupid… I agree with you that they are very intelligent…” She nodded, ”I feel bad for them and I cant wait until they both can see their friends again.” Taylor laughed and smiled, ”That sounds so romantic!” She sighed in happiness, ”I am so happy that he makes you this happy!” Taylor hugged her friend. Her eyes grew when Minerva got hit, ”Are you okay?” Tay knelt down next to her and looked worried. She hated when her friends got her. Taylor started to feel like it was her fault and it showed clearly on her face despite her trying to hide it. She nodded, ”Eh, we can all three practice… I aint sure what Brodie thinks about quidditch so I don’t know if he would want to help or even watch.” She laughed and held her hand out to help Minerva up. ”Will ya be okay, Mins?”
She wasn’t impressed when the topic became Maxwell. She wanted to tell Taylor she was better off without him around. He had become such a jerk since he was with Elliot .
“I hope I never see that jerk again. You do know we got into a huge fight last term after he kissed me, right?” She wasn’t sure if Taylor knew that or not.
“Unless your Elliot, he probably won’t be spending much time with you. He’s changed so much from the Maxwell I met end of second term.” She knew she changed a bit, but not as drastic and mean as him.
Minerva listened as she talked about the Brodie story, why didn’t she hear about this before now and why on earth would she trust this guy now.
“So you’re telling me a fifteen year old was already thinking about marriage and divorce?” That just seemed on to Minerva, even she hadn’t thought about that kind of stuff.. well not too much at least. Min just wasn’t sure about this guy,
“Well if your sure, but Taylor take it slow with him. If he already pulled that once, I would keep even just a small guard up.” It wasn’t that she was trying to cause problems, she just didn’t know this guy and wanted to protect her friend. Smiling and hugging Taylor back,
“I like seeing you this happy though.” She really did like seeing it.
Pulling her wand once more she tapped Taylor’s head,
““Ristaris” The blue streaks jumped out on Taylors blonde curls.
“Oh I like it, it looks super cute.” She really did and thought maybe for a claw game she might do the same. She then shrugged about the spontaneous part, she didn’t think she was, but okay if Taylor said so. Then she felt herself blushing as Taylor was going on about her looks and smile and being nice. She had never been good with compliments.
“Oh..umm thanks Taylor. You are all of that as well. You shouldn’t judge yourself so much.” Oh that’s why she didn’t’ like the eye color, Min couldn’t’ sit there and not agree though,
“Your right on that, I use to get so mad at him for hiding those gorgeous eyes.” She chuckled a bit,
“I always thought his eyes were so nice out of anyone I knew, that is until I met Ethan.” Smiling she thought about how much she loved his eyes.
Sitting holding her arm she cringed, knowing it was going to leave a nice bruise, which meant she was going to have to explain it to Ethan. How well was that going to go over. Looking at Taylor she shrugged which hurt,
“I’m fine, but I think I’m done for today.” What were they talking about again, oh right the puffs.
“How about tomorrow, we can go to the pathways or something with them.” That would give them a nice day out. She thought about practicing, hmm maybe she could pull off the bruise was from a bludger.. no.. no she was always honest with him and wasn’t going to start not being now.
“Yes we could all practice, and if Brodie wants to join that’s fine too.”