SPOILER!!: Penelope and Toddleeees <3
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Merlin, the little elf looked awfully sad, didn't he? But then, Penelope figured she would be sad too if she had to cook and clean and all the other things elves did for an entire castle full of students all by herself.
She smiled back at Alexa when she greeted her...and then nodded when the younger girl offered to help. "I'd be happy to help too." She didn't really like cleaning, but it didn't seem at all fair for the little elf to have to do everything completely on his own. And, well, it kept her away from homework so - oh wait. Wasn't the Astronomy homework about cleaning stuff? Maybe she could run up and get her vacuum cleaner thing if Toddles accepted their help. Kill two birds with one stone and all. If she was gonna clean and had an assignment about it, she might as well do both and get credit.
And the Charms professor had brought her own elf? And elf that could HELP with the cleaning, but instead it just told Toddles to? That didn't seem right at all. If people brought their own elves, they should ask them to help clean the whole castle. It didn't seem fair otherwise. And it seemed Alexa agreed. Sorta.
And he didn't get hugs anymore because the elf that was like his mum was gone! That was really sad. Penelope knew what that was like. But she wasn't sure the elves would just up and quit like that and leave him behind. Not if the way Toddles described them was true. "Maybe they were forced to quit?" she suggested to Alexa. She still wasn't sure why house elves would have to quit just because of a lack of school funds when they didn't even really get paid as far as she knew. "And then were forced to leave without him?" Because surely Tinka or any of the rest wouldn't have willingly left Toddles. It didn't seem right. Quote:
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These were some nice missus. They were.
Toddles nodded his too-big-for-his-body head as the first, getting into trouble girl said it was too much work for him because he was a baby.
"You are being right, it is way too much. The Castle is too big for Toddles." "You would be nice to help Toddles? That would be very good, it would, it would!" He hopped a tiny bit as he was very excited to have help.
"You both will help?" he turned to the Penantelope studensie who offered too. This was so good.
Where to clean?
"We need to finish this hallway before anything else, yes. I haven't cleaned here at all yet. The windows need wiped with a rag, and the floors could be sweeped, yes they could." He squished his toes on the dusty floor to test them. Yeah, they need sweeping very much.
Toddles didn't even care that he told on Pippa. She wasn't nice like Tinka and the others he missed so much.
"She isn't always here but when she is, she doesn't do much of the cleaning Toddles does. But Toddles will ask her to help next time, he will!" She had told him to do so and he would, he puffed out his little chest at the thought. He could tell her what to do, he could be bossy.
And then he was getting a hug. He loooooooooved hugs.
"Thank you missus." he whispered into her hair. When she pulled back her and the other asked him why his Mom Elf and the others would leave him.
"Toddles doesn't know why they left. He was crying when they did and they told him he had to stay and they had to go. They didn't want to but they had to missuses."
Well of course she was right, look at this place. She'd spent half her first year getting lost in it! How was he meant to get it all done?
Lex grinned down at the baby elf.
"Mhm, it's not a problem, I'd hate to see you have to do this all alone." Oh! And Penelope was offering to help too! Between the two of them Toddles would be sure to get a decent amount of help. She listened as he went on about just what would need cleaning here.
"This shouldn't be too difficult." She commented to Penelope...although...this was a fairly long corridor...ah well, this was for Toddles, speaking of..
"Did you take any extra rags and brooms with you, or maybe you know the spells?"
Either could work.
Hehehe and Toddles was being so adorable with his little chest all puffed out.
"You do that, lay down the law, tell her you're the boss." What? It could work. Maybe.
And now both he and Penelope were talking about the missing elves with him explaining what happened and Penelope giving suggestions. Hmmmm...Forced to quit...
"You think? But why? They would have been free labour..." She thought that over for a minute.
"Unless...you remember how the Headmistress sold our china dishes to get some money...? You don't think she sold them too, do you? Can she even do that?" Was it even possible? She looked to Toddles again.
"Did they say why they had to go, or where?" That would help give them some answers.