SPOILER!!: Hair ruffler!
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This was going to be their most awkward gathering, he just knew it. Or they'd reach a point where it would become awkward. It always seemed that way everytime the two met up and did normal things like make a snow fort or go to get some ice cream. It was just them.
Mission: Let's Not Make This Awkward.
Sort clothes. Right. "Sounds like a great place to start," he said, dumping his clothes on the ground, "Yeah... I mean... can you imagine having an odd coloured linen because of a simple little mistake?" Although... if it was rainbow coloured, he was pretty sure Sophs would be one to like that. Maybe.
But CLOTHES. He smiled back at the girl before sifting through his clothes and sorting them out into piles like the blonde girl was doing. He was not copying. Nope! ... Question. Again. "Erm... are we meant to wash them with water and then add in the detergent?" And did she know in whether they had to wash things in the basin or the tub?
Ella looked up from her sorting and smiled at Alec, nodding her head.
"It'd be pretty funny, actually. Especially if it happened to you. Imagine you accidentally mixed like a red sock in with your whites?" Giggle.
"I think you could pull off pink, though." Grin.
Ella was picking up several towels she'd wanted to wash and turned to look at the boy, a small smile on her face.
"I was watching Melanie before and she added some water, then detergent, then clothes and a bit more water." And really, she seemed to know what she was doing so Ella was inclined to believe she was doing things properly.
"So we can go with that too?"
After sorting the towels in the right piles, the blonde was ready to move on.
"I'm done so...want me to grab you a tub for your stuff, then?" She sort of figured the tubs vs. basins thing was just a way to provide a lot of containers for the students, yeah? There probably wasn't a right one to use?