Thread: The Pathways
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Old 05-16-2013, 04:20 PM   #51 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Text Cut: O.M.G.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post

Merlin, she shouldn't have said anything. Anything at all. She should've waited a bit and see if maybe she could figure things out on her own, right? That seemed to work for her perfectly well in the past, why not now? Because the person who probably had the answers was the one standing in front of her. And this sort of concerned him too.

It was all about him, after all.

Once he started to speak, Lottie looked up. Yes, she'd missed his reaction to her words, but she was definitely not missing this. Oh? She was confusing? Her head tilted to one side as she kept listening. Never interrupting. At least she was smart not to interrupt him. So, Garrick wasn't entirely fine with this either, and...boundaries? Does anyone remember 'It's not you, it's me'? How stupid a sentence could be, and how accurate at the same time. Like, how she wasn't a big fan of hugs? It really had nothing to do with Garrick, she actually welcomed his, until her heart decided to race away. Without permission. And yeah, we figured the sensitive part, mainly because Lex had hinted about it after he'd left. It really wasn't a bad thing. Except that Lottie tended to be moody sometimes. Sensitive + moody = not a great combination.

HOWEVER, the smallest hint of a smile was on her face. She shouldn't, but she was just as clueless as he was, and that was a refreshing thought. He was just as clueless, but he had all the answers. And, of course, the extra attention she got from his eyes made her blush. She was supposed to say something back, wasn't she? Yes.

The first thing that came to mind was: You said you thought you fancy me. But Lottie decided not to get into technicalities that would help neither. Neither. Because she'd said the same, and she'd already gotten rid of the 'thinking' part. Obviously. Okay, she... didn't know where to start. Her mind was a crazy place where thought and speech couldn't get along. "Garrick...," she said, taking a step toward him, "...chances are that you'll upset me, chances are that you'll cross lines and boundaries that I didn't know I had." Nod, one more step, eyes still on him. "I appreciate the fact that you don't want to upset me, really, but...cross them." And another step. "I've...never dealt with anything like this before...," she kept on talking, " all new to me," while there's a few people she's been nice from the start and she didn't feel the same way about them as...whatever it was she felt for Garrick, so this was actually a novelty, "I guess I'm not used to hugs," well, he was speaking his mind, she ought to do it too, "Doesn't mean I won't be." TRUE. She definitely wasn't used to holding someone's hand, and that's what she likes more about Garrick.

It was very likely she was giving him permission to cross lines from now on, she was unaware of it but didn't mind.

"Listen," she started again, taking one final step that got her very close to him and his eyes. Eyes she kept on looking as she smiled and forgot what it was she wanted to say. Truthfully, she didn't want to say anything else. She'd addressed everything that needed to be addressed, so she merely leaned closer and pressed her lips to his. Eyes closed. Actions speak louder than words. And this action seemed to make a point about crossing boundaries, doesn't it?

As she spoke he watched her face and furrowed his brows again. Cross her boundaries? Well that didn't sound polite. He nodded anyway, though. He'd at least try not to be weird about it. Heh. And she was moving closer... this was a good thing, right?

His face began to smooth out and a small smile began to appear. And then... BAM!



Garrick was rather unsure of what to do exactly... he moved closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. That was okay, yeah? YEAH? He smiled against her lips and moved his against hers.

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