❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus arrived at the dueling arena for that day's DADA class but found no one but herself....and a sign. One that said she had to proceed to the grounds near the Lake.
And she did as what the sign told.
Off to the grounds...where she found her peers, their usual yoga mats (gotta love purple!) and of course, Professor Romanos with a bright smile on her face. The woman's expression certainly set up the puhleasant mood for that lesson. As long as they were going to have those dreadful yoga stunts, then her over all disposition at the end of this lesson would also be bright bright bright.
"Good day, Professor Romanos." Beam! "[b]It's wonderful to see you again this term/[b]" Even if there was a major cutback at the school and all. Beezus was trying to shove that down for the mean time and just took a liking to admiring the view they had here. Hmm. Maybe Bartholomew Henry will make an appearance.
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