For Danielle! HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED The fourth year ravenclaw girl was disgusted. She pressed her hand against the table top and moved it away and it had left a definite hand print. Oh goodness, she was not going to eat off of that.
Not now, not ever, not until she vacuumed it. Other people had had the same idea but she, no, she was going to go a step further and vacuum the entire great all. Get the cobwebs away from every crevase but that was for later. Now, all she did was swipe her arm along the table and dust it. aaAAACHOOOO! Her sneeze, that had started out small had ended rather loudly and forefully causing dust to flutter away from where she was standing. "That is nasty" she grimaced and took a step back from the table. Maybe the staff table was cleaner or another house table? She wondered as she looked about the hall.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |