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"Yeah...the little guy thought it would be neat to play a game of hide and seek first, not to worry, I totally won." BEAM. She always won, just ask her Daddy. "And the clock wouldn't do much, I think I'd lose it too." A rather curious thought when she got down to it. The poor clock. Good think Alice didn't, huh?
She glanced over at the gargoyle that was hovering, her guess, waiting for some kind of instruction. "I started mine with flying during the lesson, he's good on loop de loops so I bet yours can get right into that. Maybe we could have them practice some rolls? You know, like a floor routine to go with the flying?" That could work and they'd be less likely to hurt themselves...or someone else for that matter.
"Have you tried getting yours to back flip or do a somersault?" Those could be a good place to start. "Let's have a go at it. You," She hadn't gotten around to naming him yet, OKAY?? Bad things happened once they got a name!!! "Let's see you try a back flip. Go."
"We could get you a watch, one of those waterproof Muggle ones that the castle's magic won't botch up, and then you can't lose it, 'cause it'll always be on your person." Alice closed one eye and held her gargoyle at arms length, adjusting and readjusting it on the table until she was sure it was exactly at the right angle. He looked fine, didn't he, all ready to be ordered around into funny shapes and gymnastics moves? She thought so.
"But yours isn't going to work," she said decidedly, grabbing Lex's wrist and stopping her from moving the wand again.
"You said it wrong, it's Piertotum, not Piertotem." Alice nodded at her seriously before saying the incantation herself, wand out.
"Piertotum Locomotor." The stone seemed to shudder just a bit, like a ripple was moving through it, before it halted again and waited for further instruction.
"Um. Do a somersault." She watched it expectantly and waited for it to do one, brightening visibly when it did.
"Think he can do a cartwheel, too?"