Just as she got talking to Toddles she began hearing footsteps. There was no need to turn around because she recognized the voice immediately.
"Hey Penelope!" She smiled over at her when she got close enough before turning her attention back to Toddles for a bit.
She wrinkled her nose.
"I imagine that's awful, it's a big castle and you're a baaaby. I can help you, if you'd like." Because this was NOT okay!! He was so small and the size of the castle should have made this all illegal! He couldn't possibly get it all done alone, it was no wonder the place looked the way it did!!
"You just tell me what else you've got to clean and I'll probably tag along for as long as I can." Cleaning wasn't her thing, but neither was seeing an adorable elf so upset!
Her resolve strengthened when he gave an answer to Penelope--
"Charms Professor?" She looked to Penelope before focusing on the little guy again.
" The Professor brought her own elf?--That elf is bossing you around?? Listen here Toddles, tell that thing it's not the boss of you, you've been here longer even if you are smaller." Then she gave her housemate a look that said 'can you believe that?'. The woman brought a bossy house elf! It was probably making her delicious food while the
Gryffindors students who loved eating suffered through...well she supposed through whatever Toddles made??
Lex pulled him into a hug shortly after. Now that she'd told him what to do she needed to get some things understood AND HE NEEDED A HUG!
"If she's like your Mum then why'd she leave you behind when they all quit? Shouldn't they have taken you with them?" Seems like if they cared that much for the baby elf they wouldn't have left him.
"It's strange, don't you think?" She asked, turning to Penelope again.
"If they've all quit then why leave the baby?"