Transfiguration Homework 1: Lesson 1
Haruka took a deep breath before setting her gargoyle down to work on her Transfiguration homework. The air was clean and fresh, which make Haruka wonder about the severe lack of butterflies in the Butterfly Garden. She allowed a moment of disappointment before shaking off her worry and starting her homework.
She faced her gargoyle, which she had named 'Rose', and pointed her wand at it. "Piertotum Locomotor!" She waited a moment for a response, and sure enough, Rose started to move. Delighted, Haruka smiled brightly. "Alright Rose, my job is to teach you a few tricks, so let's start with you in the air." The gargoyle looked up before slowly flapping it's stone wings and becoming airborne. "Great!" Haruka nodded approvingly. "Now, fly up high and then fly back down doing a corkscrew." She spun her finger around to show Rose what a corkscrew is.
Rose floated in the air a bit, as if contemplating, before flapping it's wings quickly to gain speed. Then Rose shot up into the air, made a U-turn and, upside down, spun like a corkscrew. Before hitting the ground head-first, Rose swooped until it was rightside up, and gently landed.
Haruka clapped when the gargoyle was done performing the trick. "Great job, Rose!" Deciding that was enough for now, Haruka pointed her wand at Rose, "Finite!"
Last edited by SakuraMochi; 05-18-2013 at 12:22 AM.