EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! ... No but everyone's in here? Sort of? And anyone? urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse BLINK. BLINK. STARE.
That's what Alec was doing as he stood by the entrance of the Laundry Center, his pile of dirty clothes in his hands. He fully expected there to be washing machines here that you needed to use some sort of spell on and hey presto! His clothes would get washed. It really was as simple as that in the boy's mind. And because of this simplicity, the boy had actually been looking forward to this. Maybe.
But now that he was actually here and seeing the room with his own eyes, he was kind of... surprised. And shocked. Did the house elves really do all of this by hand before? Really? Frown. He slowly took a couple of steps forward, his grey-blue eyes taking in all the items in the room properly. It really did seem like they had to do this by hand. Properly. Like in the olden days. "How do you even use these things?" he blurted out to no one in particular, his eyes now looking around at the people there. Melanie, CANDY GIRL, Librarian Dude, Laura, Forrest and... someone he had never met before. Okay. They were good people. And they all got smiles from him.
Except... did they know how to use the things in here? Namely, the basins and the tubs? Because Alec didn't.
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