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Old 05-15-2013, 02:07 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Louise Fellen
Third Year
Jupiter's Satellite

SPOILER!!: Isobel and Fro :)
Originally Posted by aaetha View Post
Isobel watched Tora disinterestedly while she wolfed down her food. She was more inclined to do something else at the same time so she could pretend she wasn't eating gross food than trying to eat everything at once. Her eyes grew unfocused as she thought, her mind drifting off to some different ideas.

"Hey, Tora," she said as Tora started to get up, and tugged on her wrist slightly to keep her from doing so. "We seriously need to find somewhere with better and less expensive food." Ten knuts every time you come in here? Isobel didn't think so. "Can you cook? I think there's a secret entrance to the kitchens somewhere in the castle." Then they could make some suggestions to whatever poor house-elf was left making food for everyone, or just make themselves something, if they were allowed.

Originally Posted by aaetha View Post
"Aphrodite, hi!" Isobel exclaimed, not expecting to see the Gryffindor over at the Gryffindor table. "No, not at all, go right ahead." Yes, she knew that was somewhat redundant, but really she was just muttering words of affirmation while she poked at her mashed potatoes with her plastic spork. The only up side, as far as she could see, was that spork was a really cool work. Spoon-fork, spork, it was one of the awesomer words out there. Apart from that, though, the whole low-budget thing really sucked.
Originally Posted by MabelleMalfoy View Post
"Hello there, my name is Aphrodite Dragongrass and I was also the first year students, pleased to meet you, Tora," she said, holding out her hand to shake with the girl in front of her, "You can call me, Fro," she said, smiling at her.

"Hello Isobel!"

Aphrodite greeted the girl in front of her,

"How's your breakfast?"

she said again as she occupies an empty seat in front of them both. Aphrodite soon took her own cutlery from the satchel she was carrying and took a spoonful of porridge, something that she thought was meat and do not forget a little mash potato, she must still fill her stomach because today was a long day.
Oooh a handshake! She hadn't had one of those in a while! She grinned and firmly shook Aphrodi- er no. Fro's hand. "Likewise!" she said then turned to Isobel. "Well, I can cook a little, not much other than grilled cheese and stuff though. I'm sure we can find a cookbook at the library and I heard the Hufflepuffs know a secret way into the kitchens. Do you know any Hufflepuffs well enough to ask?" Note to self: get a Hufflepuff friend!

She bit into her apple and thought for a while about the kitchens. [b]"One more issue... why would the food in the kitchens be any better than it is here? Other than that we might cook it better?" ...although it would be free... Which was definitely a plus! All these issues about tolls and getting around them made Tora think of the common room and that broomstick idea again, but she thought it best not to bring that up.
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