feel free to snag her~ >v< "On the radio, we heard November Storm~ That solo's really long but it's a pretty song," Melanie sang, while she levitated her basket full of dirty robes, clothes and bedsheets behind her. It was still fairly early, Melanie didn't like leaving laundry to do at night - it took forever to dry that way. "We listened to it twice because the DJ was asleep," she continued before finally making it to the room. She tied her hair back and lowered her basket to the ground. Laundry was nothing new to Melanie, seeing as she often had to do her own while at home but it was strange to be doing it at Hogwarts - the place where she hadn't done laundry... ever. The Gryffindor stared at the various items used to do laundry in the room before wondering why Hogwarts didn't just buy washing machines.
Because they did have shiny turnstiles, she didn't quite understand why they couldn't get shiny washing machines as well. Laundry day at home always called for wearing sweats and whatnot and being here at Hogwarts, having laundry day here, was no different. She was not going to get anything pretty wet. Oh. Or her shoes. She'd have to wash her shoes the next time though. But for now, she could just wear flipflops... because if it got wet, it'd be alright. Yup.
Melanie started to sift through her pile of laundry, separating her clothes into different piles. Colors. Whites. Warm water. Cold water. That kind of stuff while sitting in front of a tub. She'd have to clean the bed sheets first because those would take much longer to dry. So while she did that, she continued to sing her song.
__________________ though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________  ♡ ♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...