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Laura came into the corridor with her vacuum she was sure that she could do this easy and have time to talk she smiled when she saw that Ethan was there and he had already started, that was good because it meant she had less to do. "ETHAN!!!!!!!!" Laura shouted at the top of her voice, so that he could hear her. "I'm here."
Laura grabbed her vacuum and giggled. "This is Dustbuster 1, to ground control, do I have Clearance to launch?" Laura was going to enjoy this. "This is ground control, mission is a go, I repeat mission is a go." Laura got hold of her vacuum. "VACAVUS!" Laura smiled. "When there's some dirt in your neighborhood, who you going to call? DUSTBUSTER!!!!!!!!" Laura looked at Ethan he was going to either laugh of think she was crazy she didn't care which, she was enjoying herself.
Ethan had just about finished cleaning the dust and dirt off of one of the portraits when he thought he heard a voice over the din of the vacuum. Looking up he noticed Laura had finally made it and he gave her a wave.
"HEY, LAURA!" he shouted back over the noise of the machine. Just then, the suction from his charm wore off and he could hear again.
"So, I just cleaned up this portrait," he started, inclining his head to the one that was dust-free.
"I thought we could clean up the rest with these vacuum things." He glanced up at the row of portraits lining the walls. Well, maybe not
all of them.. there were a ton and it would take them all day. Maybe just enough to get the homework done.
Before he got started, however, Laura picked up her vacuum and mimicked some sort of space conversation he had seen in a muggle movie before. He grinned widely at her and laughed. Way to make work fun, Laura.. she certainly was a trip. He nodded solemnly to her.
"All systems GO." Yeah, he didn't know what he was talking about, but it sounded good to him.
Shrugging to himself, he tapped his wand to the hose again.
"Vacavus." Once it had turned on, he glanced over at Laura and gave her a grin.
"ALRIGHT, DUSTBUSTER," he shouted over the noise of the vacuum.
"BRING YOUR DUSTBUSTING SELF OVER TO THESE PORTRAITS." He chuckled to himself, the started running the hose along the next dusty portrait.