Ethan smiled as he took a seat in one of the mismatched chairs, trying not to let the eclectic nature of her office bother his borderline OCD. She certainly seemed to have her own organizational system, he thought as his green eyes wandered the room a bit, falling on the parrot. He gave the bird a grin then turned his attention back to the Divination professor. "Good to hear," he nodded as she affirmed the pleasantness of her holiday. He vaguely wondered what professor-types did with their time off.. probably travel, like Mr. Kitridge had told him last term.
He grinned widely as Elwood mentioned his new title.
"Well, thank you Professor.." he said, his eyes subconsciously drifting to the badge on his robes.
"It's quite an honor that you both think so highly of me. I will really try to do a good job representing Ravenclaw." Well, that just made his day right there.. and he
nearly blushed at the compliment.
"Summer was really great though.." he nodded.
"Got in a bit of traveling, got a part time job at an Alpine house. That's sort of like a greenhouse, except it's more for plants native to the Alps.. Their conditions make it tricky to grow the plants in a traditional greenhouse," he explained, not sure how much of a botany expert she was. And speaking of.. He handed her a small box with a
potted plant inside.
"I brought you this.. thought you might like it for your office. It's edelweiss, native to my country." Maybe she'd even appreciate it for its floromancy properties anyway, being the Divination teacher and all. Whatever it meant..
His eyes followed the pitcher of lemonade as it magically poured two glasses and he nodded.
"Sure, I could use a drink, thanks," he said, with a grateful smile. The licorice wands, not so much..