SPOILER!!: Nash/ [QUOTE=ImaBRE!;11353776
Nashville sighed. "Just remind him that he will never lose you?" That was a good idea, right? Of course it should be, she should do that. "Maybe go on a date with him, sort of like the first date that you had with him. I don't know...maybe something by the lake? Like a picnic." That's one thing that he would do with a girl but Christmas didn't seem like the girl that would really like something like that or was it just him? "I mean I've asked a few girls out before but they all say I am weird and need a new personality and the only reason they would date me is my looks." Nashville shrugged. Oh well, sucks for those girls, their loss.
Nashville sighed. "I just felt that if I had said no then someone would beat me up or she might have cried and I don't like seeing people cry." Nope, he always wanted to make someone smile. So if something bad was to happen in this relationship then he couldn't bare to break up with her and she seemed like the person to break up with someone. She could talk to Christmas? Nashville had to think about that for a moment. "Just don't punch her or attack her with a bludger...unless she says something mean about me or something along those lines." Nashville gave her a slight not.[/QUOTE]
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Swimming was amazing she loved it so much. When she finally reached the swimming dock she was a little flustered at the fact she had just basically swam into a conversation. Wait? Nash had a girlfriend who just told him they were dating?
The claw girl just glanced up at the other girl and smiled. She'd seen her around - well, she'd heard of her. "H-um, hey Nash...Minerva right?" She asked unsure of the name. She was bad with names really - like any little person who didn't really bother too much to listen when being told them.
She quietly sat on the dock as a way to warm up a little bit - and heck maybe these two could help her with her predicament. She liked a guy - then threatened the guy - hadn't seen the guy in months...and now she had other issues to discuss...feeling issues...weird feelings she didn't like these feelings.
Minerva sighed,
”I know and I have. He should know that by now. I’m not going anywhere.” She really wasn’t. She would take him over even her house, and she hoped he knew that. Minerva looked at him oddly, not because he was saying anything weird, but because of what he was saying. She had a goofy smile cross her face and she giggled a bit,
” That was actually our first date. It was so nice. It’s funny that’s where you thought of.” Maybe it wasn’t so uncommon, but she loved the lake for the reason of that was their first date. That memory hitting her so clearly. She then looked at him curiously,
“What do you mean your weird and your personality, yeah you can be a bit full of yourself, but there isn’t anything wrong with that if you don’t go over board and love yourself more than others.” She shrugged, she didn’t see anything wrong with Nash, he was kind of sweet and funny to be honest.
“Well people are idiots if they are only looking at looks.” He was cute, she could admit that, but he wasn’t close to as cut as Ethan was.
“Now Nash that is just silly, why would someone beat you up because you said no to a girl and I’m sorry, but that’s a dumb reason to say yes, just because you don’t want her to cry. Nash you have to date someone because you want to get to know them more, want to be with them in more than friend ways, and want to possibly love them.” Oh he was giving her permission to talk with Christmas. She really did like Nash and her friendship, it was turning out to be fun. She hoped they could be beaters together, it would be an interesting season.
“I’ll talk to her see what I can come up with.” She chuckled about the bludgers,
“I don’t go hitting people at random with bludgers they have t do something first.” She smirked and then laughed.
Just as she was going to see how he liked playing and how tryouts were going she heard someone call them. Looking around she noticed someone coming out of the water. It was fall, did she not realize it was too cold for swimming. Shrugging it off Min smiled, she had seen her in classes, but wasn’t sure of the name.
“Oh Hello, isn’t the water cold? Oh yes it’s Minerva, but just call me Min or Minnie.”