Astronomy Homework post 1 Melanie was wearing an old pair of sweats and a t-shirt as she levitated the vacuum cleaner up the stairs and into the Gryffindor girls' dormitories. She had a lot of cleaning to do. She refused to sleep in a dusty old room too. She wasn't going to deal with any of that. So the sixth year opened the door to the dormitories and lowered the vacuum cleaner onto the floor with a little sigh. She pulled a scrunchie off of her wrist and tied her hair up before looking at the room that she shared with Alice and others.
How fortunate she was that the Astronomy homework required cleaning and allowed her to borrow the vacuum cleaner because she was going to ask the professor anyways. She, sadly, didn't have a pair of rubber gloves though... which she'd ask her cousin to send her later. That way, her hands wouldn't get all dirty. But there wasn't much Melanie could do about it at the moment unless she wanted to use her dragonhide gloves... but those were for classes and she didn't want to ruin them. She picked up the hose of the vacuum cleaner, watching it flop around until she got to the head of it, and fumbled for her wand.
Which she couldn't find.
Melanie dropped the hose back down and reached under her pillow. Then into her desk drawer. And then finally, in her trunk. It was sitting atop a bunch of stuff that Melanie had yet to unpack because she didn't want dust collecting on them. She'd have to clean first before she did that. The Gryffindor picked up the hose and then her wand. "Vacavus," Melanie said clearly, tapping the hose with her wand.
The vacuum cleaner roared to life and Melanie started to sing to herself to take her mind off of the dirtiness. "I'm gonna keep it frozen here forever... there's no regretting anymore," Melanie sang, not caring who heard and not caring what other people thought about it, allowing the hose to suck up the dust from under the bed. "It's worth the wait, even so far away. I'm making the night mine until the day I die~" she continued to sing. The sixth year may have danced a little bit to it too as she allowed the hose to suck up whatever dust there was under the bed before moving to behind the curtains and drawers.
Plus, it was always the most fun to jam out while you were cleaning. Melanie may or may not have pretended that the hose was her guitar at some parts as well... but... at least she had gotten rid of most of the dust - which was a good thing. Yup.
__________________ though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________  ♡ ♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...