Transfig HW Post 1. (for Potato!) ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
A rather huge yawn escaped the Ravenclaw Prefect's lips as she fleeted from the dormitories down to the Common Room where she immediately headed towards the Study Tables and descended into one of the comfy, clean chairs.
That's right. Comfy and clean. The good thing about being in Ravenclaw was that people tend to take initiative. Like this whole school dilemma they were having, for instance. There were no house elves going around cleaning stuff anymore so they were pretty much helping out each other in taking turns to keep their place clean. She saw Eliza doing her part of the labor earlier - vacuuming dust off the study tables.
Granted, this was a convenient place to teach her stoned toy some "skills" since Professor Bellaire said they'll be presenting those in the next class.
She placed the box which housed her gargoyle on the surface and pulled out her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa." Beezus used the charm to levitate the box's lid off. She was not being lazy. She was just exhausted being it tryouts week and all.
The gargoyle was levitated next and carefully lowered down into the table.
Then she propped her chin on the surface, leveling with the gargoyle. "Now, what skills am I going to teach you?" Who knows. Maybe it might answer her. Right now, her mind was blank. An exhausted, blank tablet she was but she had to at least try and work out something right?
Seeing the books piled up on the edge, the brunette pulled them close and laid them down one after another, creating what seemed like a flight of stairs. She then placed the gargoyle on top of it, "Piertotum Locomotor!" Like from what happened at class, her stoned thingy quivered a bit, seemingly unnerving itself of it's stoned state before relaxing down.
"Alright. You erm...jump!" And it did. "Jump again." There were a total of six steps. Did she have to say jump six times for it to reach the table's surface? Beezus tried to command the gargoyle by saying "jump" inside her head while she kept her eyes strained on the thing focusedly. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump.
Oooh. Cool. It made it through.
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