SPOILER!!: Kitridge
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
Nodding Leo beamed."Yes, I visited Hawaii this summer with some old Hogwarts buddies. It was amazing and magnificent and just lovely. You see this trip to Hawaii was something we planned in our first year at Hogwarts to do after graduation. We never got around to it then so it was extra fun that we could organize it now." Yes it had been a vacation that he would remember for many years to come.
Ah, so that was why the prefect had come to see him. Watering his lips he shrugged as he responded. "I'm sorry Beatrice but I don’t know why we’ve suddenly become poor or why the house elves resigned during the summer. The Headmistress and staff are looking into it and that is all that I can tell you at the moment." Even if it felt like an inadequate answer it was the only one that he could give her at the present time and besides why dwell on saaaaad things when you had ice cream?
"Wonderful, let’s go eat some ice cream now." he exclaimed clapping his hands together.
Well, from the way the librarian spoke, one could tell that he really did enjoy his vacation at Hawaii. He sounded pretty enthusiastic about it and Beezus didn't want to spoil it for him so she offered him a broad grin. "
Sounds really memorable, sir." Maybe she'd ask her friends about that and suggest that they visit Hawaii later in their lives too.
But the whole Hawaii talk still didn't stray the Ravenclaw off what she really came to the librarian for. Although from what she had learned from him, she could say that she was a bit disappointed. The Headmistress and staff are looking into it. She sighed inwardly. That didn't say anything. "
Oh. I see, Mr. Kitridge. Thank you anyway." She just had to keep her eyes peeled then? Althought she had to give the man some credit, he seemed really fond of ice cream just as she was.
But first..."
Before we get some ice cream, sir. Can I ask if we have some NEWTs review questionnaires here somewhere?" She'd borrowed OWLs questionnaires before, so she figured they had some available NEWTs ones too.