❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus Castell had officially turned into the female version of the hunchback of notre dame as she made her way to the Dungeons, shoulders all bent into a huddled position as she took gentle steps. Merlin, tryouts week was exciting but it was also downright exhausting. She felt sore that she couldn't even bother straightening up for her sake.
She did stretch out, however, when she neared the door and tried to make her self at least presentable before stepping in. Though she yawned as soon as she saw the Potions Mistress, "Good day, Professor." she mumbled in between yawns suppressed by the back of her hand. With a slight bow, she eventually proceeded down to take a seat and waited for class to start.
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