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Old 05-13-2013, 10:54 PM   #20 (permalink)

Somnium's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Stiffi Scholz
Second Year
Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva felt good to see Taylor so happy. It was about time that she had a happy moment. Minerva was always so worried about her, because it seemed nothing ever made her happy. So this was exciting to see. “I don’t think anyone is as jealous as Maxwell can be.” She had never seen the jealous when they dated, but she had seen it after. Then something she said made Min’s head snap up, “Wait.. come again?” dated before.. after money.. who was this Brodie character. Her happy thoughts began to fade a bit as worry came in. “Tay, I want you to be happy, but that worries me a bit.” She was going to be honest. Shaking her head though it was hard to keep the worry and concern when Taylor was sooooo happy. Minerva laughed watching her, “No. no.. I get it, I really do. Ethan makes me feel the same way.” Yep, she was truly looking at how others saw her when Ethan was on her mind, which was pretty much all the time.

Minerva listened as she talked about the blue streaks. “Did you want them today, that can happen.” She smiled and left her wand out. It would only take a few seconds and it would look awesome. Laughing Minerva shook her head, “Spontaneous, me? Maybe just with my hair.” That was fixable, so it wasn’t as hard to just randomly do it. She eyed Taylor and felt herself blush, “amazing, naturally pretty, jealous? Taylor what are you talking about.. I am not any of those things and there is no reason you should be jealous.” She felt a little awkward, but she wasn’t good at compliments at all. “Tay you’re to sweet, you’re the one that is super pretty.” Oh.. she didn’t like the eyes. Minerva listened and gave just a small smile. So Taylor didn’t like the eye change, no big deal, it wasn’t permanent. “Oh no big deal, just trying the spell out a different way. Anyway, are we doing yours today then?” Change the subject off of her, that seemed like a great plan at the moment. Oh and they were back to Brodie and Ethan.. Good topic.. “A double date sounds great, I’ll run it past Ethan, but I don’t think he’ll mind.” Taylor and Ethan were friends, so it didn’t seem like a big deal.

“Oh you haven’t seen him?” Wow that was interesting, she didn’t think she could go a day without seeing Ethan. No that was hard and horrible over the summer when they had to. “I bet your ready for the lake then, I would be going nuts if I didn’t see Ethan for that many days.” She knew that was pathetic sounding wasn’t it..Min laughed, but not for long when she said about Brodie and money, yeah she got that. Her grandparents really didn’t have much and what they did was muggle American money, not going to help here. “Yes I do feel a warning would have been nice, but what’s done is done and I’m a bit tired of just guessing. I wish they would be honest and say what was going on or suck it up and figure out a better way to run the school.” She was getting tired of the subject, it was pretty depressing to see the school looking like it was and the money thing was just odd more then anything else. She turned, “No I noticed that as well and I actually met the new charms professor. I was wondering why they were professors as well.”

Paying attention to the braches swinging quite quick Minerva chuckled, the tree did not like their little game, but she dodged a few more branches. It really did help with reflexes. “Yes, I agree they are so adorable, but they aren’t stupid either. Fluffy knows what’s going on. She misses her friends. So I can’t wait to get them together.” Stopped and blushed a bit looking at Taylor, “Yes.. it was Valentines Day, after a quidditch match. He is just amazing.” Blushing more Minerva looked at the ground, “I..umm. thanks Taylor, you really think we are made for each other? I.. I hope so, I don’t want to think about ever not being with him.” Then she frowned, ”Next term is going to stin..” She didn’t get to finish the sentences when she was on the ground. Rolling to her back she looked up just in time to see the branch coming down and rolled away just in time. Pushing herself up she rushed far enough from the branches and sat down holding her arm. “Ouch.. That’s going to leave a mark.” That was dumb of her. How could she stop paying attention to that tree.

Hearing Taylor’s voice she looked, Oh did Taylor not see her get hit, well that was probably a good thing. “Practice, yeah sounds good. I’m not sure how good of a chaser I am though, I’m better at beating. Ethan might be able to help you with some pointers though.” She continued to rub her arm that was stinging and just hoped the mark would be to visible.

Taylor laughed at the comment and nodded to it. ”I know right? He was sooooo jealous of Damon when Damon and I were just friends. I mean I did go to him when my papa died but… I didn’t want to annoy Max with it… I always wanted to make him happy… Speaking of Max, I haven’t seen him since basically the divorce.” Tay pouted, ”I think he is avoiding me.” Tay sighed and crossed her arms. ”He told me that the divorce wouldn’t change the fact that he is my brother and that we would still be close but now… Now it is like we are strangers…” Tears appeared in her eyes at what she just said. ”I miss him but he is never around anymore…”Tay bowed her head and let her curls cover her face as a tear or two fell down her cheeks at the thought of Maxwell. At the ‘come again’, Taylor looked up, ”Well… Brodie and I dated last year after Damon and I broke up but he was apparently using me for money because Rachel… who is his ex-girlfriend… and him were still dating and he cheated on her, with her permission, and started to date me. Apparently he was going to try to marry me then divorce me, getting half of my money or even more then marry her so that he can provide for her, the way she wants to be provided for… but then Brodie said he fell in love with me and he says he really loves me now.” A blush came to her cheeks with a smile, ”He actually cares for me now and he is so sweet.” Tay twirled, ”He tries to make me happy and he succeeds most of the time.” Her lips turned up into a smile and her eyes were starting to have a dreamy look to them, ”He doesn’t want my money anymore… he wants me. He tries to refuse to let me buy him things or spend anything on him though I want to use my money to help him…” A sigh and a pout came for a few seconds before she laughed and started to beam again. She frowned at what Minerva said, ”It worries you?” A sigh came but then she smiled again, ”I guess that is alright… I mean that does show that you care for me and you are such a good friend to me.” Taylor hugged Minerva. ”I am so happy that you get it. It is? Then you are such a lucky girl! It is absolutely wonderful to feel this way, isn’t it?” The dreamy look was back again as she thought about her boyfriend.

Taylor tilted her head and thought about it for a few moments, ”Whichever way you think is best, Mins.” Tay laughed and smiled. She didn’t care if her hair got done now or a week from now. Whatever suited her friend the best is the one she would go with since she wants to make it easier on Minerva. Taylor nodded ”You are spontaneous.” Tay laughed and smiled, ”At least with your hair but I think it is more than the hair.” Her smile brighten at Minerva’s blush, ”But you are, Minerva. You are super pretty inside and out and I am lucky to have you as my friend. You make each day before with your smile.” Tay shook her head, ”I aint pretty or sweet. I am selfish, annoying, average-looking and stuff like that…” Taylor really did think that and she refused to see any other way right now. ”Min, it isn’t that it doesn’t look pretty on you… because it does… I just hate when people change their eye colors…” She laughed, ”I mean each eye color is unique and pretty… I hated it when Damon changed his beautiful emerald eyes to drabby brown. The eyes don’t seem to have emotion to them if they change the colors…” Taylor blushed, ”I must sound stupid… thinking that eyes have emotion… I mean I heard that they change shades with each emotion but…” A blush came and she hide her face again in her curls. Tay looked at her, ”Up to you… I don’t care either way.” Taylor looked up and beamed, ”It does? Okay! I will ask Brodie if he wants to but I am sure he wouldn’t mind either.” Brodie usually agreed to do whatever Taylor suggested since he didn’t seem to mind what they do as long as they were together.

She nodded and sighed, ”Yeah… I haven’t seen him.” A frown appeared as she started to miss him even more. Taylor smiled and nodded again, ”Yeah, I am sooooo ready to go to the lake and see him. I miss him so much.” A light giggle came out, ”I think I already gone nuts… I haven’t seen him in what seems to be forever.” Tay knew that it hasn’t been forever… it just felt like it though and she was sure that Minerva would understand. Taylor nodded, ”Yeah, what is done is done and there is no changing it. The board are idiots for not thinking of warning us…” She sighed , ”Yeah, I agree, they should tell us what happened or find a better way to run the school than force children to pay to eat and sleep…” Tay laughed, ”At least I aint the only one to notice that… I would have felt silly if I was…” Taylor looked up at Minerva, ”You met the professor? I haven’t yet… I really need to but I haven’t had the time to go around and meet the new professors…” She sighed and played with her gleaming curls.

Tay looked at her friend, ”I know that they aren’t stupid… I agree with you that they are very intelligent…” She nodded, ”I feel bad for them and I cant wait until they both can see their friends again.” Taylor laughed and smiled, ”That sounds so romantic!” She sighed in happiness, ”I am so happy that he makes you this happy!” Taylor hugged her friend. Her eyes grew when Minerva got hit, ”Are you okay?” Tay knelt down next to her and looked worried. She hated when her friends got her. Taylor started to feel like it was her fault and it showed clearly on her face despite her trying to hide it. She nodded, ”Eh, we can all three practice… I aint sure what Brodie thinks about quidditch so I don’t know if he would want to help or even watch.” She laughed and held her hand out to help Minerva up. ”Will ya be okay, Mins?”
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