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"Good!" the Snake said and smiled a little now. Although his arms were still crossed and he still eyed the Gryffindor warily. No one should think of the ducks as food, they were HIS family and HIS friends hmpf!
"I know it's strange" he nodded and plucked some grass with his fingers. "I heard only one house elf stayed and that the Professors take turn making dinner for us." Hence why it was so disgusting at the feast. Merlin, he hoped Professor Botros wasn't going to make anything. That man was old and would probably serve them...old stuff...
When the guy spoke about it being weird that the house elves just left, the Prefect nodded his head enthusiastically. "Exactly! That's why it's so weird... who set them free? and why?" ooooh it would be so exciting if he could solve this mystery for his final year~!
Having a daydreaming look on his face, Daichi stared up to the sky that was turning a bit grey and when one of the ducks quacked loudly he turned back to earth.
"....school's out of money?" he repeated. "Must have missed that...how?" Another mystery it seemed.
SIWA? Daichi had never heard of that school before. But... "Seoul?" he asked and stared at the water. "My..my mom is..was from South Korea, Incheon actually" His eyes watered for a moment at the thought of her but he blinked his eyes rapidly. "So you are from South Korea? or did you just study there?" he grinned.
Ky was glad their discussions were getting out of the duck zone. He didn't like the way the Slytherin was eyeing him.
"...the professors? They cooked the food?" No wonder the food at the Great Hall were so unappetizing. Even Ky could cook better than that, not mentioning his terrible kitchen skills.
"They better hire better chiefs or the house elves better return."
Hmm...why did they bother to continue the existance of this school at all if the conditions were so bad? Could it be a prewarning of something bad about to happen at this school? Is that the reason why the house elves left in advance? Questions are bombarding his mind. He was just as curious as everyone else.
Ky nodded in agreement.
"The question is: did they leave on their own or did someone set them free?" Staring absentmindedly at the waddling ducks, Ky thought about the mystery.
"Hey~" He nudged the Slytherin with his elbow.
"If it was someone that set the house elves free, do you think however catches the person will get rewarded?" Where did Ky get this thought from? Even Ky himself doesn't even know how his mind wondered there.
"I don't know...but why else would we have to pay everytime we go somewhere." Also, if the school wasn't broke, then at least they could hire decent chiefs, right?
The Gryffindor pretended not to notice Daichi's gloomy expression.
"Technically, I'm American." Ky replied.
"But yeah...my parents are from South Korean and I grew up there." He responded in the shortest way possible, because he really didn't want to recite his whole childhood history.