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If he'd thought of it earlier, Dylan was probably not a topic they could talk about, since Mo never really got why West worshiped him and had recently given up on the idea that he could look to the older boy for any leadership or mentoring or... anything, really. The thing about Slytherins, maybe including West (was this one of those things Mo still needed to learn about West?), was that they were only able to care for a finite number of people and anyone else didn't exist.
So Mo did not exist to the older Slytherin boy. Was it a matter of time before he stopped existing to West? Nope, that was too sad, and Mo didn't want to think about it anymore.
He scrubbed his palms along his trousers before shrugging. "Well, thanks for that. I'll let you know if I try it out and what I think. I ought to head down... I think we're up next."
Yeah... nice conversing and stuff.
West just nodded.
"Have fun." Y'know. With all of that.
"I gotta go shower. So see you and all." He picked his own broom up and left, not planning to stick around to watch the Ravenclaws.