SPOILER!!: See why they're friends? XD
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Lottie didn't mind getting old, but that was probably because she's merely fourteen. You don't worry about getting old at that age. Surely, Dorian Gray didn't worry about it at fourteen. Why should she? Exactly.
The Hogwartian waited for Lex to figure this out, and then nodded before laughing again, "Not that old, and you're only a few months younger. If I'm old, you're also old." Except when Lottie got to be 17, and Lex would still be 16. Or 20, and 19. And those, sort of silly, differences.
Eyes on everything that was going on on that table. Raspberry, yeah? Just the tea? What was Lex telling the pitcher to add..?? Hot chocolate? Lottie instantly BEAMED. See? Lex listens to her. But the girl said nothing at the moment, they were discussing her gift. OH, GREAT. Between yellow stuff. Oh, don't get her wrong, she was still beaming about this whole thing. Even more so when Lex started to explain how she came up with this. She wondered for a moment about Lex's birthday. What setting would she like best and all...but she figured Lex wouldn't pay attention to the things Lottie paid attention to. Lex would probably be just as excited as long as she was with the right people, correct?
"Thank you." A sweet smile was in place. Lex had really thought this through.
Oh, really?! "But that's amazing! Good thinking on your behalf!" Or talking, since she could only imagine Lex talking to the shopkeeper about it. Fun times, yeah? Very. "Really, though, thank you." Another gift she liked. Magic all around. It was perfect for summer and winter holidays when magic wasn't allowed.
The giggling was put on hold and she gave a long look at Lottie.
"I am aren't I?" It's funny how she never really thought about that either until she said it just now.
"Well then, I take it back. You're not old, you haven't much started growing yet." Did she care that she was suddenly switching opinions? Of course
They could both be young. Nodnodnod. Young and still having their Daddies buying them candy and giving them galleons, nothing wrong with that.
She looked over at her now beaming friend.
"You should give it a try. They're super obedient and junk, just have to gesture, you could wait too...I dunno, I never wait so I wouldn't know." Really, once she saw them moving she got straight to ordering them around just for the heck of it. Seriously, just look at them move!
"I wasn't sure if you would have wanted yours mixed," because Lottie didn't always like chocolate, she had to be in the mood for it,
"so that's why they're separate." Even MORE thinking on her part.
Siiiiip. BEAM.
"No problem! You popped into my head when I saw them so it only made sense!" Oooooooooooo and Lottie said she had a moment of good thinking!!! This got her beaming even more!
"The man tried telling me he couldn't," VERY rude of him too,
"but then I might have started pouting a little and going off on a tiny ramble about not finding the perfect gift for my friend...you know, the whole 'the world will end tomorrow if you don't, mister. She'll hate me for life and I'll never have any more friends then I'll grow to be some kind of psycho who never loves anyone and it'll be all your fault' kinda speech? Worked like a charm!" GRIN.