SPOILER!!: Professor ^^
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Peyton halfway listened to the conversation about the election and halfway continued to run her fingers through the kneazle's fur. She did nod and give a slight "Hmm" to show that she was following along. Finally, she looked up at the child. "Well, have you asked why she wand-handled your kneazle? I've seen the Knox woman, and she doesn't appear to be so scary that she's unapproachable," she said. Then again, Peyton didn't tend to be intimidated by many people.
She stood and brought the kneazle back to his owner. "You haven't wasted my time at all. In fact, I'm glad you came. At least it shows you're being responsible for your pet and care what happens to him," she said. "I think he's just fine, but keep an eye on him if you're worried. Let him eat and sleep--it's probably what he wants anyway." She ran her fingers through the pet's fur one more time then returned to the seat behind her desk.
Blink. Blink. "Ask her?...I don't think she'd answer." That woman? There was no way.
"She might be nice to you, I wouldn't know, but barely two seconds into our exchange and she glared at me--threatened me too before she walked off. I don't suspect she'd like me running into her again asking stuff like that." And she certainly wasn't' about to go looking for the woman after all that.
Who knew, she might have been next with the wand-handling thing; the woman seemed to be hinting at something along those lines.
Lex smiled a little, taking Felix again and settling him in her lap.
"I do, we have an understanding." Until he went hunting other people's pets.
"I'll take him back to my dorm when I'm done here."