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"Right. Because we're the pictures of innocence." This was only partially sarcastic. Brooklyn was sure Alexa could pull a mean puppy face if she wanted to, and she knew that she could. "You don't think our parents know how to contact the school, do you? That might be an issue. If the school can tell them how to get rid of the tree, anyway."
"Yeah. Honestly, what with all the chattering, I wasn't really paying attention. I figured some Slytherin boy had dropped a spider down some Puff's shirt, or something." Maybe the fact that it hadn't been English should've tipped her off, but... Nah. There wasn't any rule saying she had to pay attention to anything.
Brooklyn rolled her eyes and shook her head with amusement. "You would throw rocks at the Whomping Willow." She paused and pouted. "But next time, bring me. I'm insulted you didn't let me in on the fun!"
"That's the idea. Technically, we don't have that look that says 'I explode things on sight' and I mean...you haven't done anything that's questionable." She couldn't say the same for herself but one out of two wasn't so bad!
"I couldn't even get to think of it that way. His voice was just stuck in my head. Ah well, that's all over and our biggest problem now is that the school's broke!" Which really should have been more depressing than she was making it to sound but for some reason she just couldn't get upset about it. The idea was almost amusing!
"Oh?" She looked over at her.
"I had no idea it'd upset you like that." Her lips curled into a smirk.
"We're here now, the trees not getting any younger." Her hand reached out and snatched at a rock nearby. She threw it skyward a few times, catching it each time before looking over at her.
"I'll even let you go first. It's the least I can do." She said, finally handing the rock over.