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Blink. Wait, what? Oh right. Zeke had company and he was being rude with all that staring at something else. Ahem. So yeah, he stood up straight and faced Christmas. "Sorry, there was that erm," his thumb pointed over casually at the window sill behind him, "...uh. Thing. Yeah." He placed both of his hands in his pockets and exhaled then had a sheepish smile on his face.
He'll have to look at it later. Speaking of having company, his hands shot up in the air. "Oh yes, right right. Let's see, uhm, where are my manners?" handshake offer. GRIN. "It's nice to meet you Christmas."
Hand to the chest. "My name is Zeke, and I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier." The brown haired boy bit his lip and half-smiled. Trademark expression of Zeke.
Christmas shook Zeke's hand and said "It's a pleasure to meet you Zeke, so what is your take on what is happening this year"