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Brooklyn eyed the tree. "I don't know... But maybe we should find out? Do you think the Herbology professor would get suspicious if we asked?" Now that it had been brought up, planting one in a little pot outside of her room sounded like a good idea. Way better than the tradition "KEEP OUT" sign that no one really paid attention to anyway.
"Yeah," she smirked, and laughed. "I'm not sure how thrilled students are supposed to be when they hear a teacher has gotten eaten, but that was pretty wicked." Okay, so maybe she had been a little too amused. Sue her.
"I... don't know." Then again, this was a tree that could see where people were and take a whack at them. "Anything's possible in a school like this, Alexa. If it could understand, it'd probably be snickering at us, though."
It just looked like the sort of tree to laugh at everyone and then kill them. It had that vicious sort of look about it.
Now THERE was an idea!
"Sounds like a plan! We should go see her about it sometime. It'd just be a rather innocent question...sorta, she wouldn't have any reason to not tell us?" Who would suspect two 'hamless' Third Years were up to anything?? Heh.
Lex laughed openly at that.
"Probably not meant to be all overly thrilled--and we might not be, who knows, but duuuude he didn't even scream in english!! I didn't know what was wrong with him 'til he was gone." And that was the truth. When she'd first heard him scream she was juuuuust slightly annoyed. The class had been over and he was still speaking things she didn't understand. Pfffft, you think the guy would learn.
Her eyes trailed over to the tree.
"Snickering at you maybe...I think it'd be muttering terrible things about me. I don't think it appreciates the rocks I've thrown at it." And this kinda got her snickering.
There was no way she was sorry.